Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Buying Used Tires - 5 Things To Watch Out For

When buying secondhand (used) tires either from a tire shop or an online auction site its important that you are aware of the following 5 issues. You can then ask the right questions and make sure you don't end up with a tire purchase that leaves you and your wallet feeling deflated!

1. Sizing People get confused by tire sizing and it is no wonder really - its pretty bizarre. The basic tire size is made up of 3 measurements and if one of them isn't mentioned you should not assume what it is - it pays to check.

Width - this is the section width of the tire for example a 195/70 R14. This means the tire is 195 millimeters across the width of the tire.

Profile - The sidewall height is represented as a percentage of the width so a 195/70 R14 means that the sidewall or profile height of the tire is 70 percent of the width. Often the profile is not mentioned and that normally means that the tire is a standard 82 or so percent. Never assume though as this is a common misunderstanding that can occur when buying used tires. There is nothing worse than buying something that simply does not fit - ask the person selling the tire to read you all the numbers on the sidewall to make sure!

Rimsize - The other number mentioned is the Rim size in this case a 195/70 R14 has a Rim size of 14 inches.

2. Rubber Cracking or Perishing A good thing to check when purchasing a second hand tire is for any perishing or cracking of the sidewall and tread rubber. It is wise to give the sidewall a good flex and make sure there are no cracks or chords visible. It is normal to have very fine surface perish lines if the tire is not brand new however make sure they are no more than that.

3. Lumps Bumps and Repairs If buying a secondhand tire it is prudent to ask if there are any obvious repairs that have been done to the tire. Although if a repair has been done properly there should be no issues if there are any problems with the repair moisture and air could have seeped into the casing of the tire which could potentially cause issues further down the track. No repairs is great!

4. Uneven Wear or Scalloping Sometimes the tires you are looking at may be unevenly worn due to an alignment or suspension problem with the vehicle the tires were previously on. Although they may still be structurally sound for ideal driving I would recommend that tires with even tread wear are purchased. Also if there is any scalloping of the tread road noise and poor handling are potentially going to be a problem.

5. Type of Tire Its important to either ask (if you are buying off EBay) or check yourself if you can for that the tire you are buying is not for example a snow tire - sometimes it can be hard to see from a photo on an auction site but the tires you are buying may have a snow or off road type of tread which will result in extremely poor handling and traction on tar seal. Its important to check that if you are looking for an on road only tire - that is what you end up purchasing.

Its important to be as educated as you can be when buying secondhand items that your life literally depends on so don't be afraid to ask plenty of questions and make sure your used tire purchase is a safe and economic one!

After more than a decade in the tire industry Rob StGeorge got into Information Technology however he still enjoys sharing his knowledge about Tires, Wheel Alignment and Alloy Wheels

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Truck Permit Services And Application Requirements

Applying for truck permits can be a big hassle, especially if you do not know the right place to go to, and the rules and regulations of getting a license issued in your name.

There is a lot of paper work involved, and you have to comply with many legal formalities. Truck drivers and heavy duty vehicle owners seek companies and organizations that can assist them to get permits issued in their name. Hence, as the demand and supply function behaves, we see many agencies that provide this service, popularly referred to as a truck permit service.

The agencies providing the truck permit service have to comply with the rules and regulations laid down by the authorized body.

Most of the companies provide the following services to the clients looking for truck permits.

Interstate Truck line Permits - The organizations assist individuals to acquire interstate Truck permits. This is necessary for heavy duty vehicles running on highways and carrying goods.

Temporary Truck Permits - the formalities, involved in getting a valid license are many, therefore, it takes a couple of week or sometimes even moths, to get a permanent license. Truck permit service providers help in getting temporary trucks permits issued in their client's name.

SSRS or Single State Registrations - As the governing authority may demand, the trucks operating in particular areas have to comply with Single State Registration regulations.

Compliance with FMCSA/MC rules and regulations - All forms have to be duly filled out, and it is to be ensured that the heavy duty vehicle operator has complied with all FMCSA laws.

Driver's Examination and Licensing Programs - The truck permit service providers play an important role in this aspect, they guide the drivers through out the examination program, and ensure, that a license is granted to them.

Drugs and Alcohol testing programs. - This is one of the most important aspects of the licensing program for the drivers.

Road Taxes, heavy duty vehicle operating permissions. - Before truck permits are granted, all road taxes and similar dues have to be cleared and heavy duty vehicle operating permission is required from the concerned authorities.

Another factor to consider when applying for a truck permit is the local, state, and federal fees involved. Many times you may be better off registering for the permit via another route so as to avoid the excessive fees that some areas charge.

Whatever type of truck permit you are applying for though be sure and complete all requirements so you do not get yourself in legal trouble.

To learn more about applying for a Truck Permit please visit:

One of the many educational and informative websites owned by Greg Lucas a small business owner and on-line marketing expert.

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Dare To Cure Constipation!

Constipation is one of the most common complaints of modern man. The worst part is that constipation is responsible for other conditions like nausea, dizziness, fatigue, gaseousness, cramps, backaches and headaches, which are not directly related to digestion.

The human body is much like an engine, requiring constant fueling and clearance of the fuel ash. Food is the fuel of the human machine. When the proper fuel is fed into the furnace (stomach), the machine (heart, blood, lungs and organs) operates efficiently. When poor fuel is fed into the furnace, it will not supply the machinery with needed energy. The fuel is not consumed and remains half burned within the furnace grate (colon). This half burned fuel cannot be naturally eliminated and the painful result is called constipation. The related results, the sapping of bodily energy, may result in the infection of any area of the body through the toxic matter that this waste throws into the blood stream.

Laxatives, oils, so-called liver pills, all of these are worthless in treating constipation. Constipation is not a disease of the colon or bowels, but rather of the digestive system. The root of constipation can be found in your refrigerator and on your stove, not in your body. Laxatives attempt to stimulate the peristaltic action (muscles which perform elimination) and induce bowel movements. Instead, they cause the peristalsis to become dependent upon such stimuli and what you then have is a crutch, not a cure. Furthermore, laxatives which are based upon high roughage content, without providing other mineral and vitamin value, will eventually cause grave damage to the stomach and bowels.

The following simple recipe will be found to stimulate most common conditions of constipation.

1 lb. dried prunes

1 lb. dry figs

1/4 lb. dried apricots

2 quarts of water

3 lemons

2 tablespoons of honey

The fruit should not be cooked. It is never necessary to cook dried fruit and such cooking will destroy much of the food value. Simply soak the prunes, figs and apricots in a solution of water and honey into which the lemons have been squeezed and sliced. Allow the fruit to steep overnight. The syrup produced by these fruits is delicious and should be drunk frequently through the day. A heaping plate of this natural stimulant each morning will serve to quicken the laggardly pace of your eliminatory system.

Also, increased physical activity is primary in combating chronic constipation. Walking, swimming and bowling are three perfect sports in overcoming sluggishness. Calisthenics, with particular emphasis on knee bends and other toe touching exercises, are equally effective. Healing should never be an uncomfortable or annoying process.

Both acute and chronic constipation can only be ended through wise food habits and constant attention to bowel movements. The constipation sufferer cannot hope to attain regularity without providing a program of regularity for his eliminatory system. Once the cleansing and maintenance of a healthy digestive system has begun, you must provide a definite hour of the day for evacuation and you must keep that appointment as regularly as you keep your office hours. Morning hours, following the two large meals of the preceding day, are best. But morning, noon and night, consistency is demanded. You must not fool your system, for in the end it is yourself who is being tricked.

For more healthy living tips visit and don't forget to claim your FREE Gift.

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